Tuesday, August 22, 2006

I did it!

I finished my first semester back in college in 21 years. I did it and I received an "A "in Math and an "A "in a communications course I took. It was not easy, but I have to admit it was easier then I ever thought it could be. My confidence has now gone from I think I can to I know I can although things are going to get harder for me as I proceed on with my goal.

You have to understand that I was a girl who while I did well in high school my focus was on art , boys and partying as much as I could. The tales of my partying escapades would probably curl your hair. I did remain responsible as far as school went. I took algebra and geometry so I could go to college knowing full well I didn't need them to achieve my goal of becoming an artist so I really didn't apply myself nor did I remember a single thing from that era. It turns out that it is good that I don't remember a single thing from those math classes. My wonderful instructor in college taught me from scratch using "short cuts" she developed over 42 years of teaching math...she is fabulous! I found out that I am quite smart, but more than that I am determined. My husband keeps telling me that the instructors will see my effort and that it counts and by god I think he may be right. I have learned that being an older adult in college means I work harder. After all I am now paying for this endeavor literally. My parents paid for college last time and somehow now it means more that I am doing that part.

Two weeks have passed since I first started writing this post and tomorrow I start my fall semester. I will be taking 4 classes. I am nervous, but excited at the same time and oddly enough I am looking forward to my algebra class. I learned that I really like math...go figure.
Wish me luck!

Please check back on 9/11 for my tribute to Margaret Mary Conner...she was lost that horrible day 5 years ago in the World Trade Center.

Saturday, August 05, 2006

I have been tagged 2

I say 2 because I wrote this whole thing once, posted it and it worked. Then I went back in to finish an older draft and now this one disappeared and wouldnt re-post. I hope this works or I will be sad.

By http://becoming-a-doctor.blogspot.com. I am thrilled that he actually took the time to read my blog and yes it is time to post again. I am taking a break from telling my story which leads me to the place that I am currently in....finishing my undergrad so that I can hopefully attend medical school some day. I am nearing the end of my first semester back in college in 21 years...yes, I said 21 years. I am doing well in both of my classes, which is good because my self esteem needed a boost to get me to where I want to be...a doctor. I just recently found the becoming-a-doctor blog myself also through Fat Doctor...one of my favorites. I spend way too much time reading other doctor/medical blogs that I never have time to get here so thanks to "Origin" for giving me a much needed nudge. Ok so here goes.....
One book that changed your life? "Hot Lights, Cold Steel: Life, Death and Sleeples Nights in a Surgeons First Years". by Michael Collins.
Up until recently I pretty much read fiction and none of it "changed" my life in any capacity, but when I decided I wanted to be a doctor I started reading any book I could find that would tell me how things worked. This was one of the first one's that I read and I have to say reading it was when I became serious about it.
2. One book you have read more than once? "Clan of the Cave Bear" by Jean M. Auel. This was many, many years ago and I really cannot say right now why I enjoyed this book so much that I read it twice.
3. One book you would want on a desert island? I guess I would want a survivors guide as well. My son has one maybe he would borrow it to me?
4. One book that made you laugh? It was a book about stories from the ER. I cannot remember the name and I have already turned it in to Half Price Books...but there was a section about foreign body removals that totally cracked me up.
5. One book that made you cry? My college math book...no I am kidding. I really cannot think of one that made me cry. When I read I totally enjoy it, but once I am done I tend to forget. Gee I hope I have better retention for school...LOL
6. One book you wish had been written? A truthful epic about what being a parent is really like...trust me nothing can prepare you for that.
7. One book you wish had never had been written? Can't say that I have an opinion on this one. But I do agree with becoming-a-doctor about all of the kill/hurt/hate/ etc. that goes on among the different religions of the world. Why can't people be much more tolerant of each other and their thinking? It would make things a lot easier.
8. One book you are currently reading? I am reading:"Cutting Remarks: Insights and Recollections of a Surgeon"by Sidney M. Schwab (fellow blogger I might add)
9. One book you are currently reading? I too have a stack although mine are piled in my bedroom. Unfortunately all I have time to read these days are school books.....