Time To Get Started
Well, I signed up quite some time ago to write my thoughts and all I ever seemed to do was read other blogger entries. I have thoroughly enjoyed reading the blogs that I have found...mostly medical in nature. The reason I wanted to write my thoughts down was because I am at a turning point in my life. I will be 43 years old in a week or so and I have finally decided after a 21 year absence that I wish to go back and finish my undergrad degree, but the kicker is that this time I want to be pre-med. 20+ years ago I was a wide eyed art student...I finished my 3rd year of college and was lured away by a job offer managing a record store(I guess it would be a CD store now). I had worked there for years part-time and I absolutely loved it. I was tired of living at home and yearned to make some money. I realized at the time also that I was fooling myself thinking that I could make a living by drawing and painting, which was my talent at the time. I told myself that I would go back to school and finish my degree at some point.....
Fast forward to the year 2006, I now have been married for 18 years and have two children. I spent a good portion of my children's younger years at home with them. I thought it was important. I worked a few odd jobs, some from home some outside of home. When my youngest went to kindergarten I was asked to be a swim assistant at my local YWCA where I went nearly everyday to workout. I had to take a short class to prep for this duty. I loved swimming, the hours were perfect so I forged ahead. Quite rapidly my superiors at the Y talked me into becoming a lifeguard and Red Cross Water Safety Instructor. Here I was 38 years old and in classes with 15 year olds becoming a lifeguard...it was hilarious, but I excelled at it and got all of my certifications. I worked at the YWCA for 3 years until a back condition sidelined me and I felt it was no longer smart to dive down 9 feet to pick people up off of the bottom of the pool . I took about a year off from working, thank god for my hard working husband who affords me lapses in employment. At this same time I started to notice that my back pain was getting worse. I mostly ignored my gradual decline in health where my back was concerned until one day I could hardly move. I woke up that way and couldnt think of anything I had done to cause such a drastic change. So in 2001 I went to see the doctor who after asking me a few questions and could see that I was in pain sent me for x-rays. I have had back x-rays before and was actually told many years prior to this that I had a congenital defect in my back, nothing serious of course and that it may or may not cause me any future problems. At that time the doctor didn't think it was what was causing my back pain, but that I had muscle spasms so he prescribed muscle relaxers and a short course of physical therapy. I was fine for many years after that. But in 2001 when the doctor asked if I had any pain going down my legs and I said yes she sent me for more x-rays.....this is where my journey to spinal fusion begins and how it affects who I am today.
Boy, I so do not want to sound condescending here, but I can't think of any terribly diplomatic way to give you this information.
You are not crazy, but unless your SATs in high school were in the 1400 plus range, medical school is an unlikely option. Not that you really need to be that kind of brainiac to do the vast majority of what one does on a daily basis, but it is an extremely rigorous program of study.
There are other options for being in the health care delivery field that would be quicker routes to caring for patients. Physicians Assistants (PAs) and Nurse Practioners both give direct care to patients, but ultimately have the back-up of a physician. Often they have their own patients that they see on their own, with consultations with the physician as needed.
If you do think medical school is for you, carefully research which, if any, medical schools will accept a 45 year old. Most won't. And if they tell you they will, ask when they last did. There are no more slots in medical school now than there were 25 years ago, and they are looking to train people who will have a 40 year career. This is the real truth, no matter what you may be told to comply with federal hiring/ funding of universities laws.
Well anonymous thank you for your comments, but I have researched this very well. I have seen an advisor and will be returning to my previous college to fill in needed pre-med classes. I went there to talk to her and told her to tell me honestly if this is an option or if I was indeed crazy. She said the medical school in our area just accepted a 53 year old student this year. I realize I have a huge road to tow and my back-up plans are PA or nurse practitioner. I just know in my heart and mind I have to give this a shot or will never be happy with myself. There is no harm in trying. Many of the pre-med classes would also prepare me for another road...no harm in trying I say :)
I am already ready registered for school starting this summer. I will give it good shot before I go to plan A or B.
The clinic where my kids are patients is a residents program. They are frequently seen by residents in their 40's, sometimes late 40's early 50's.
OU Medical School DOES accept students in their 30's and 40's ... so does OSU's DO program.
Nor do they make it seem like it's an unusual thing.
My neurologist, until he realized the myasthenia was not going to go into remission, quite frequently would introduce me to medical students and residents in their late 30's and 40's. Especially women. (he was convinced I could do it if my health would allow.)
Go for it Peggy! Better to say I tried than would've could've should've!
Thanks Dreaming again. I will have to say that most of my responses from people who I have told about my plans are positive one's. I thought I had braced myself for the type that I got from anonymous, but it hit me rather hard for a few minutes. Only because it was the first really negative feedback I have gotten thus far. Besides my husband and a few select friends I haven't told anyone my news. I go tomorrow to take math placement tests to see where I stand where that is concerned. I am a bit nervous since my math skills in Algebra and beyond are a bit rusty. I will do whatever it takes to pull this off. I will ease back into to college life in mid June...what classes I won't know until I take this math test and meet with my advisor again on May 31st.
Thanks for commenting. I hope to have some time in the next couple of days to add to my story, but until then I will see you over at Big Mama Doc's blog...I am so glad that she is improving. The dear woman deserves it.
She sure does! I hope she feels our prayers! Good luck on your tests! Prayers for you too! Fingers and toes crossed too, just in case!
Thank you so much...you have no idea how much I appreciate that and need it also.
I will post something after the test. I have been studying Algebra all day...but now it is time to make dinner.
is aI read your blog with interest. I appreciate the forceful positively that is contained in its words. I am glad that that you display such character that takes you above the average. You can expect great things in your life because you dream big. Congratulations.
2 1/2 years ago (after major leg challenges and chronic pain for 25 years that had reduced me to a shambling invalid) I became a double above knee amputee, and was considered by most people to have reached my use-by date. That was entirely their view. I believe that what other people think about me is none off my business. In the last few years I have traveled the world, married, got to walk again using prosthetics, and now am about to relocate from Australia to the U.S. to join my wife in the continuing adventure called life. We have begun a business that will keep us occupied for the next many decades. I am undertaking this as a 61yo.
I have bookmarked your blog as I feel I have a lot to learn from you. I look forward to your future posts .All encouragement for your odyssey.
Thank you for your uplifting comments. It appears that you have mastered many hurdles on your way to achieving what is important for you...way to go!
I do dream big and I will work very hard to turn this dream into a reality...
You go, girl! Plenty of 40-somethings in med school. Don't forget to apply to osteopathic programs, which tend to better understand applicants who had "other lives before medicine." I believe in you. Email me for pep talks when needed.
Wow BMD I am totally honored by your support. Once I make it through my math test today I will know more about my path. I am afraid that after almost 28 years my higher level math skills are a bust. I need an instructor to clear the cob webs from my head...LOL
I will take you up on the email support...thanks!
Algebra is what sidelined my doctor path to begin with. I refused to show my work in high school. geesh I was stubborn.
I'm glad I'm a more stubborn mom than my son is a son.
He's planning on med school ..not because I didn't ... he chose it on his own ... but he's going into forensics ..he keeps telling people he's going to get his medical degree and use it when it's too late to practice it.
What's life without dreams? Good for you for going after what you want. Sounds like you have done plenty of research and have alternatives in mind just in case you need to rewrite the dream along the way somewhere. I hope that won't be the case though!
I did a big career change in my 30s and six years of university later, I'm almost done. I've never looked back and I hope you won't either.
I don't think Anonymous's comments were meant to dampen your spirits. I think they were well-intentioned. In any case, take that extra knowledge on board and go forward! Best of luck :)
How ya doing Peggy?
I am doing great. I met with my advisor this week and mapped out a plan for classes for both the summer and fall semesters. She has decided based on the classes that I took way back when that I should get a BS in Biology not a BA Art History. The classes that I will need for the Biology major also apply to some of the Pre-med requirements so I will be killing two birds with one stone so to speak. I was kind of relieved that I didn't have to go back to Art. I would have done it if I had to, but my interests nolonger go that way...so the science route sounds like a good plan to me. As predicted I didnt do well in my math placement test so back to math 90 I go. I do not mind I need a good math base to make it through the other tougher science courses starting with a good foundation is important. I will take one math class each sememster summer and fall, neither of which count toward my degree or credit, but it must be done. The biology major also sets me up for many other health care fields if the Dr. thing doesnt work out so it is a good fit all around.
We are putting our pool in tomorrow. I have spent the last two weeks getting the sight ready and tomorrow is the big day. I cannot wait. We have lived here a little over a year now and last summer totally sucked because we didnt have our pool. When we sold our prior house the buyers didnt want the brand new above ground pool and were going to junk it so we went back last spring and took it down intending to put it up here last summer. That didnt work out because of a health problem I had last summer...more on that later. It is part of the road to wanting to be a doctor...LOL
Ok sorry I havent finished my story. I mean to everyday, but I guess I am not a good blogger. I will work to fix that.
Have a great weekend!
Go for it, peg--I'm 39, and want to do something when youngest gets in school. I want to be of service to people somehow, but I don't have what it takes to be a nurse, much less a doctor. I honestly believe that I have ADD, and I couldn't handle school, husband, kids and home--I would probably go crazy. I admire you for wanting to do something new.
Peg...how's med school going? I'm 47 and have raised three wonderful now adults...My husband has stage 4 prostate cancer but we're very hopeful. I have always, always, always wanted to go to med school. I want to do Doctors without Borders. I want to give back. So I was searching the internet, and I came across your blog....let me know how your plans are going..
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