Saturday, August 05, 2006

I have been tagged 2

I say 2 because I wrote this whole thing once, posted it and it worked. Then I went back in to finish an older draft and now this one disappeared and wouldnt re-post. I hope this works or I will be sad.

By I am thrilled that he actually took the time to read my blog and yes it is time to post again. I am taking a break from telling my story which leads me to the place that I am currently in....finishing my undergrad so that I can hopefully attend medical school some day. I am nearing the end of my first semester back in college in 21 years...yes, I said 21 years. I am doing well in both of my classes, which is good because my self esteem needed a boost to get me to where I want to be...a doctor. I just recently found the becoming-a-doctor blog myself also through Fat of my favorites. I spend way too much time reading other doctor/medical blogs that I never have time to get here so thanks to "Origin" for giving me a much needed nudge. Ok so here goes.....
One book that changed your life? "Hot Lights, Cold Steel: Life, Death and Sleeples Nights in a Surgeons First Years". by Michael Collins.
Up until recently I pretty much read fiction and none of it "changed" my life in any capacity, but when I decided I wanted to be a doctor I started reading any book I could find that would tell me how things worked. This was one of the first one's that I read and I have to say reading it was when I became serious about it.
2. One book you have read more than once? "Clan of the Cave Bear" by Jean M. Auel. This was many, many years ago and I really cannot say right now why I enjoyed this book so much that I read it twice.
3. One book you would want on a desert island? I guess I would want a survivors guide as well. My son has one maybe he would borrow it to me?
4. One book that made you laugh? It was a book about stories from the ER. I cannot remember the name and I have already turned it in to Half Price Books...but there was a section about foreign body removals that totally cracked me up.
5. One book that made you cry? My college math I am kidding. I really cannot think of one that made me cry. When I read I totally enjoy it, but once I am done I tend to forget. Gee I hope I have better retention for school...LOL
6. One book you wish had been written? A truthful epic about what being a parent is really me nothing can prepare you for that.
7. One book you wish had never had been written? Can't say that I have an opinion on this one. But I do agree with becoming-a-doctor about all of the kill/hurt/hate/ etc. that goes on among the different religions of the world. Why can't people be much more tolerant of each other and their thinking? It would make things a lot easier.
8. One book you are currently reading? I am reading:"Cutting Remarks: Insights and Recollections of a Surgeon"by Sidney M. Schwab (fellow blogger I might add)
9. One book you are currently reading? I too have a stack although mine are piled in my bedroom. Unfortunately all I have time to read these days are school books.....


At 4:40 PM, Blogger Sid Schwab said...

I'm honored that you're reading my book, and I hope you find it entertaining and even informative. Meanwhile, I'm glad to have found your blog. I'm greatly impressed that you are following your dream at your, er, mature stage of life. Impressed indeed. I hope you'll continue letting us know about it. My medical school, at the time I attended anyway, had an admissions dean who loved accepting people of varied walks of life, many of whom had had lengthy life experiences before choosing medicine. And they were among the most interesting, committed, and capable of my classmates.

At 5:43 PM, Blogger Peg said...

Thank you Dr. Schwab I am honored by your comments. I have truely enjoyed reading your book, although lately while in school I haven't had time to pick it up. I hope to finish it when I get 2 glorious weeks off before the fall semester begins and I start my schooling full-time...yikes. I am indeed motivated and have had many life experiences many of which have brought me to this point. The medical school that I hope to be admitted to likes this kind of student and "home" grown as well. I am hoping this all goes in my favor because if I don't get into either of the schools in my area I may not be able to go. My husband and children are very supportive, but I am not so sure moving away for 4 years will work.
I hope to continue my story of how I got to this point during that break also. It was great to be tagged because it woke me up from my long non-blogging nap :)
I learn so much from reading the books like yours as well as the "doctor blogs" that I read also. They make me even more motivated.
Thanks for checking in and I hope to hear from you again soon.

At 3:42 PM, Blogger Emmanuel said...

Hi Peg, "Becoming a doctor" is my son, and I read you on his blog. I'm so glad to know that he has other people who are so goal oriented that they won't let a little thing like age stop them. Good for you!

I agree with both of you on the assessment of "religious books." The human race is full of violence, and reading the Old Testament not only verifies it, but God decries it. He let's the violent die violently most of the time. I'll try not to preach any more here. I do that on the "Ministry of Love" blog. I don't believe I mentioned that I have served as a pastor since 1947. I post my Sunday morning message outline every week. I hope it will help younger ministers who are learning to prepare messages, but I think it also can be of help to any serious Bible student.

I will remember you in prayer as often as I can. (My memory is fading, but I guess that is to be expected. I'll be 79 in October.

At 11:10 PM, Blogger Dreaming again said...

I could have sworn I checked in with this blog this last month!!! Didn't see this post here!!! Good to see the posts!!!

Hi Peg!


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